Bachelor Thesis, The Philosophy of Comedy— Laughter as Healing Power— Field Studies in Cape Town, South Africa, February to April 2016 founded by Scholarship from The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

söndag 17 januari 2016

SIDA, Härnösand and Minor Field Studies Priorities

I am on my way to Härnösand, but first a short stop in Sundsvall, only a technical one, since I need to change trains. It is so funny, not the fact that I am going to Härnösand, but the fact that I have not been further up north in Sweden. The furtherest I traveled in this country, is Östersund, which is not even half way up this country! I almost traveled the whole world, visited all of its continents, but I have not yet seen the exotic environment in the north of my own country. Can I really claim that I am well-traveled person?

I am excited, the course in Härnösand is at Sida's headquarters. Sida is short for The Swedish Development Cooperation Agency, it is an organization on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. You can read more about Sida and the goals of its organization HERE (opens i new window).

I really look forward to these days at the course! I think we are about 25 people who all got the scholarship for Minor Field Studies. Every one of us is going to visit an undeveloped country and during a period of at least 8 weeks perform a field study. I am going to South Africa, and right now, on the train, I am preparing a task in which we will discuss the current political- social, cultural and economical situations in the countries we visit. I am so curious about the other people who will be there and what their theses are about. (If you want to know more about the scholarship and how to apply, talk to your career- and guidance councillor at your school. I got my scholarship approved from Södertörn University (opens in new window)).

I am so happy that I got the opportunity to do this and I am really looking forward to learn more! I am curious about the world and I am open to anything that will happen. I have no fear. The subject for my thesis is comedy, and I will love to tell you more about it and my task to investigate how comedians in Cape Town use the stage to discuss important issues in their society.

Did you by the way know that the word opportunity come from the latin words ob (to) and portus (door). First of all, I love language and communication. I like to look at words and figure out where they come from. OPPORTUNITY— TOWARD DOOR — I like that, I can see myself moving through different worlds, through doors and opportunities, taking baby steps to develop and to look for possibilities to new doors! It is me that have to take the step! The opportunity might always be there, but it is up to me if I will find it and take it. What I am trying to say is, that there is a lot of doors out there, but if you want to get to the other side of it, you need to take action. It all starts with a decision. People often ask me "How can you do it?" and "How is it that YOU get to do it?". The answer is easy, I work hard and move towards the doors. In this case: I applied for the scholarship. I made a decision and then I took action! VOILÀ!

Have you ever been to South Africa? Do you know anything about Cape Town? I am open to any advice or thoughts! Please contact me with a comment below! Just make a move!